AMA Standards

The AMA Standards are a way to recognise the performances of Australian Masters athletes.  Many athletes may put in good performances but not at the venue where they may be rewarded by an AMA Championship Medal. The AMA Standards Certificate becomes permanent recognition of such performances achieved anywhere in an AMA-approved competition. 

        The levels of achievement attained are set at 1, 2 and 3 where obviously Level 1 is the highest level and the most difficult to achieve. All levels have been set on a comparable basis with regard to World standards. This means that where Australian athletes are among the best in the World, Level 1 performances will BE met by a greater proportion of our athletes compared to disciplines where our performances don’t rank as highly. 

        The process for producing an athlete’s certificate is simple and on an honour system. This eliminates the need for administration AND ensuing fees. It enables the recognition of your many great performances to be free of charge.

How to enter AMA standard achieved information and print certificate:-

  • Verify AMA standard level achieved via the AMA standard charts
  • Download the certificate from the AMA website to computer
  • Use drop down boxes to select the achieved standard information ..
    • (i.e AMA Level achieved, Event covered by AMA standards and Age Group)
  • Use the blank boxes to enter (performance achieved, place and date).
  • Print the certificate 

Men’s and Women’s AMA Standards